Hi! My name is Kyle!

I am currently a 3rd year data science student eager to do all things data! This page serves as an archive of all my projects! Feel free to explore and contact me if you find anything interesting! First, let's start with a exploratory data analysis project on me!

Portfolio Screenshot

Research & Experience

Here lists out all of the research that I have participated in to date. Feel free to scroll around and see a general overview of the projects. Feeling curious? Click on the projects that interests you the most to learn more about it and its impact!

Research Image
  • Responsibilities as a research assistant include: data cleaning, data collection, and feature engineering with pre-built machine learning algorithms
    Prof. AlvarezPFAS for Public Health
  • A research project that looks at the impact community health workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Responsibilities include data wrangling and data cleaning along with data collection.
    Prof. LebronCATALYST Project
  • Responsibilities included real time data visualization on graphing torque and speed data in C#. Using .dll to communicate between C# and C++ files. Assisting in data input in excel and csv files in C#.
    Power Electronics InternPower Electronics Intern
  • A research project that focused on analysis of hypertension waves. Responsibilities incldued: discussion with lab on feature engineering. Literature review on hypertension waves and what they mean.
    Dr. BaldiResearch Assistant









PetrPages ·

React, Python, SQL

A social media web application that allows you to connect to other students at your school for general hangouts and productive study groups!


UCI Hackathon

An analysis on the AirBNB housing market in Dublin Ireland. Explore and discover the unique and interesting trends that make a more attractive house and an excellent host on AirBNB through data!

Dublin Classification


An analysis on the incidence and prevalence of sepsis. Including determinate factors that have strong correlation to the prevalence of sepsis as well as interesting discoveries on what may connect an individual to sepsis as well. Go through the life cycle of data through the lens of public health!

Sepsis Analysis


An AI chatbot on the terminal that can listen to and respond back to you in real time. Your everyday assistant all in the terminal to help you with your daily tasks!


Hack @ UCI

A new way to study and take notes! Jot Genius is a web application designed to embrace learning through playful games. Challenge youself on taking notes to educational videos and see how you can improve!

Jot Genius

LA Hacks